Saturday, October 13, 2007

24 hours of Boulder...

So Chad has decided to take his running up a notch and run for 24 hours! Why? Who knows, I will just always support him. He amazes me with all of the running he does now, but to him, it's just not enough. He's done a few marathons and now he wants to run at least 30 miles. His goal for this race is to finish, but of course that's still not good enough for him. He wants to complete at least 50 miles. He believes he can do more, but I told him to shoot for just 50. I know, "just" 50, it's a huge number. I know he can do it! I wish I had that same mindset that he has. He is just so confident and he just clears his mind and runs.
He's got a great strategy that he's been planning for months. He wants to complete most of the race in the first 12 hours and then kind of take it easy. He is planning on doing a 5 to 1 ratio. Meaning run for 5 minutes, walk for one. We've heard it is the best strategy for such a long race. Stephen and his mom are there for his support, I plan on being there once the kids go down for the night. My sister, Crystal and her husband Fonso will be there along with Kain and Emma. Fonso and Stephen are planning on being a pacer, but the race doesn't allow pacers until 10pm tonight. A pacer is someone who runs along side of the runner and gives them support and keeps them at a good pace. If I was in a little better shape and able to run 7 miles, I would have loved to pace him.
Here is a description on the race:
Course Description
This race is run on the beautiful trails at the Boulder Reservoir with great views of the snow covered peaks. The course is a flat 7.14 miles (lap 14 ends at exactly 100 miles) with approximately 100 feet gain per lap with an aid station at approximately 3.5 miles. The course will be marked and is non-technical (so don't worry about those late night hours).

I will keep everyone posted on how he finishes! Oh, just got a picture text from Stephen and Chad seems in great spirits! But it's only the first lap!! :)

Here is the official website of 24 hours of Boulder.

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