Thursday, August 7, 2008

New news

Ah, so much has happened since my last post. Or has it? Oh, I can't remember everything! Somewhere along the road of my triplet pregnancy I seemed to have lost my memory, my train of thoughts and who knows what! I've gained some of it back, but not much, so please bare with me!

We've had some pretty hot days around here. We broke the record of 16 days over 90 degrees! It went to something like 22 days! And they weren't right at 90 they were in the upper 90's with at least 3-4 days of 100+! Makes for a lot of time inside. Which brings me to...

My kids are outdoorsmen! Everytime they have they want to spend it outside! Which is ok for me in the mornings because I like to take them walking/running around our lake. They do pretty good for about an hour and then they want OUT! And every time we pass by the park, I know I'm mean for not letting them play, they cry out and try to climb out. Mommy is just hot and ready for the a/c at that point.

Last week I met up with an old friend from work who's daughter is about 4 months younger than these guys. We had lunch at my restaurant and then went over to The Aquarium. The Aquarium is a giant fish tank full of all sorts of different fishies and stuff! We had gone when the kids were like 4 months old (they had no clue where they were at that point!) and decided to go again before they get too old and we have to start paying for them. They loved it! They were in such awe and amazement that they just couldn't stop looking up and all around. It was so cute.

I decided, well, because it wasn't that busy at that little area, to let all 3 out of the wagon. Thinking I had my girlfriend there, which she was a HUGE help, things wouldn't be so bad. Well, my 7 year old nephew was too into the whole place that he wasn't paying attention to any of the kids and Ava, who has a mind of her own, took off with a crowd that had passed thru! My girlfriend, Candice, grabbed her, thank God, as I attempted to put the boys back in the wagon. Oh, you would've thought Drakes world had just ended! He pitched a fit, a very high pitched fit and would not stop! I was mortified and try to scurry out of there with a screaming child as fast as I could! Thankfully we came up to a giant fish tank that we walked under and he fell silent in amazement. He calmed down after that and we were able to enjoy the other attractions, the tigers, the octopus, the stingrays and a whole bunch of sharks.

Lessons learned: take an extra pair of open hands; keep kids in wagon; and give paci much sooner!


Denise said...

Yay!! I can leave comments now! I love the pics. I very rarely let the trio out of the stroller. People probably think I am mean but when there are more babies than hands. Well. You know. Someday soon it will be different for us though. Your trio are adorable. I am so glad you were able to fix your blog.

MaryBeth said...

Glad you were able to get your blog fixed!! Love the recent updates, and the sunglasses picture was way too cute!